Acute Toxicity Studies and In Vivo Antioxidant Potential of Annona muricata Leaf in Alloxan-Induced Diabetic Rats
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The acute toxicity effect and free radical scavenging abilities of ethanol leaf extract of Annona muricata were studied in diabetic rats. The acute toxicity effect of the leaf extract was determined using a standard method. Thirty Wistar rats were randomly divided into six (6) groups (Groups I-VI) of five (5) rats each. Diabetes was induced with 130 mg/kg of alloxan monohydrate intraperitoneally in II-V. Group I was non-diabetic and untreated and served as normal control (NC). Group II served as untreated diabetic control (DC). Group III (GL) received daily doses of glibenclamide (5 mg/kg), while groups IV (AM) and V (AM) received daily doses of a combination of glibenclamide (5mg/kg) and 200 mg/kg and 400mg/kg of Annona muricata leaf extract, respectively. Group VI received 400 mg/kg oral doses of A. muricata leaf extract only. The treatment continued for 14 days. The blood glucose concentration and antioxidant enzyme activities were determined using standard methods. The acute toxicity study revealed a median lethal dose (LD50) of 3807.89 mg/kg. The antioxidant enzyme activities in groups I to VI for SOD, CAT, and GPx activity ranges from1.51E-01±1.07E-02 to 9.10E-02±5.55E-03 IU/L;3.87E-01±2.06E-02 to 6.38E-01±5.30E-02 IU/L and0.036 ±0.05 to1.35±0.152 IU/L, respectively. The extract exerted a concentration-dependent effect on antioxidant enzyme activities. The present studies suggest that ethanol leaf extract of A. muricata has effects in inducing antioxidant enzymes during oxidative stress.
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