Assessment of Acute Toxicity and Analgesic Effect of Cedrus atlantica (Endl.) G. Manetti ex Carrière Stem Extracts

Main Article Content

Mouna Ameggouz
Soufiane Drioua
Otman El-Guourrami
Hanane Azalmad
Khairo El Baria Metni
Loubna Koursaoui
Ahmed Zahidi
Anass Doukkali
Badr Satrani
Hanane Benzeid


Cedrus atlantica is a Mediterranean medicinal plant used traditionally for the treatment of
urinary tract infections and cancer. This study aims to evaluate the toxicity and analgesic
properties of the stem extracts of Cedrus atlantica.Powdered stem of Cedrus atlantica was
extracted successively with cyclohexane, ethyl acetate, and ethanol, in a Soxhlet apparatus, to
yield extracts F1, F2, and F3, respectively. An aqueous extract (F4) was obtained by maceration
of the residue at room temperature. Acute oral toxicity of the extracts was assessed in mice
according to OECD guidelines. Analgesic activity of the extracts (500 mg/kg) was evaluated
using the writhing and tail immersion tests, with aspirin (125 mg/kg), and morphine (0.1 mg/kg)
as positive controls, respectively.Acute toxicity studies showed that Cedrus atlantica stem
extracts have no significant toxic effects at a dose of 2000 mg/kg. In the writhing test, the
aqueous extract (F4) demonstrated the highest analgesic activity with 18.33±1.55 writhes
(50.66% inhibition), followed by the ethyl acetate extract (F2) with 19.33±1.77 writhes (47.97%
inhibition). F2 and F4 were more effective than aspirin which caused 21.66±1.88 writhes
(41.70% inhibition). In the tail immersion test, F2 and F4 showed significant central analgesic
activity, both extracts significantly increased the reaction times, with F2 peaking at 5.02±0.45
seconds and F4 at 4.92±0.30 seconds, compared to morphine with reaction time of 7.70±0.18
seconds. These findings therefore suggest that Cedrus atlantica stem extracts are relatively safe
on acute oral administration, and have potential for use as analgesic agent.


Article Details

How to Cite
Ameggouz, M., Drioua, S., El-Guourrami, O., Azalmad, H., Metni, K. E. B., Koursaoui, L., Zahidi, A., Doukkali, A., Satrani, B., & Benzeid, H. (2024). Assessment of Acute Toxicity and Analgesic Effect of Cedrus atlantica (Endl.) G. Manetti ex Carrière Stem Extracts. Tropical Journal of Natural Product Research (TJNPR), 8(7), 7677-7681.
Author Biography

Mouna Ameggouz, Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, Mohammed V University, Rabat, Morocco

Chemistry and Microbiology Laboratories, Forest Research Center, Avenue Omar Ibn El Khattab, BP 763, Agdal, Morocco.

How to Cite

Ameggouz, M., Drioua, S., El-Guourrami, O., Azalmad, H., Metni, K. E. B., Koursaoui, L., Zahidi, A., Doukkali, A., Satrani, B., & Benzeid, H. (2024). Assessment of Acute Toxicity and Analgesic Effect of Cedrus atlantica (Endl.) G. Manetti ex Carrière Stem Extracts. Tropical Journal of Natural Product Research (TJNPR), 8(7), 7677-7681.


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