Bioethanol Production from Pineapple and Cassava Peels Using Fungal Isolates as Inoculants

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Nnyeneime U. Bassey
Eze E. Ajaegbu
Florence O. Nduka
Juliet O. Nwigwe
Ijeoma O. Okolo
Adaora L. Onuora
Ese S. Izekor
Bob Mgbeje


Globally, the production of biofuels as an alternative energy source from renewable raw
materials to complement energy needs has become of utmost importance. The goal of this study
was to compare bioethanol production from pineapple and white cassava peels utilizing
inoculants such as Neurospora crassa, Aspergillus oryzae and Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The
cassava and pineapple peels were obtained from the white cassava and abacaxi pineapple,
respectively. The fungal isolates: Neurospora crassa, Aspergillus oryzae, and Saccharomyces
cerevisiae were isolated from burnt wood, steamed rice, and fresh palm wine (from oil palm) at
37ºC. Sabouraud Dextrose Agar (SDA) at pH 5.6 was used to grow the fungal isolates, and
morphological observations were used to confirm the isolates. The substrates were fermented
with different inoculant combinations, distilled on days 4 and 8, and the physicochemical
parameters were determined. The results showed that Aspergillus oryzae and Saccharomyces
cerevisiae in combination gave the highest bioethanol yield of 48.67±5.7 ml with the pineapple
peels at day 8; whereas Aspergillus oryzae and Neurospora crassa in combination gave the
highest bioethanol yield of 38.33±2.03 ml with the cassava peels at day 4. This observation was
statistically significant (p<0.05). The findings led to the conclusion that pineapple peels have a
higher bioethanol yield than cassava peels. The inoculants utilized in this research work indicate
the best prospects for bioethanol production from abacaxi pineapple and white cassava.
Keywords: Bioethanol, fermentation, pineapple peels, cassava peels, inoculants, fungi.


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How to Cite
Bassey, N. U., Ajaegbu, E. E., Nduka, F. O., Nwigwe, J. O., Okolo, I. O., Onuora, A. L., Izekor, E. S., & Mgbeje, B. (2022). Bioethanol Production from Pineapple and Cassava Peels Using Fungal Isolates as Inoculants: Tropical Journal of Natural Product Research (TJNPR), 6(9), 1497-1503.

How to Cite

Bassey, N. U., Ajaegbu, E. E., Nduka, F. O., Nwigwe, J. O., Okolo, I. O., Onuora, A. L., Izekor, E. S., & Mgbeje, B. (2022). Bioethanol Production from Pineapple and Cassava Peels Using Fungal Isolates as Inoculants: Tropical Journal of Natural Product Research (TJNPR), 6(9), 1497-1503.


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