Phytochemical Content and Antioxidant Activity of Vinegar Prepared from Four Apple Varieties by Different Methods
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Apple vinegar (AV) contains several phytochemicals with antioxidant properties which make it finds applications in traditional medicine and food preservation. The phytochemical content of AV has been reported to be influenced by several factors. This study was therefore conducted to investigate the effects of production methods and varietal profile on the phytochemical content and antioxidant activity of AV. Four varieties of apple; Red Delicious (V1), Gala (V2), Golden Delicious (V3), and Starking Delicious (V4) were employed for the study. The V3 variety was used to prepare AV using three different methods; cutting apple into small pieces (AP), filtering apple juice (AJ), and crushing apple (CA). Then, the vinegar samples were prepared using the AP method for fermenting the four varieties of apple. Total polyphenol, carotenoid, flavonoid, as well as flavone and flavonol contents of the AV were determined. Free radical scavenging activity and total antioxidant capacity were evaluated. The results obtained showed that the V1 variety is rich in flavonoids, and the V2 and V3 varieties are rich in flavones and flavonols, while the V4 variety contains a significant amount of carotenoids. Also, it was observed that the highest antioxidant activity was obtained in the AV prepared from the V1 variety and by CA method with IC50 values of 770.333 and 75.507 µg/mL, respectively. The highest total antioxidant capacity value of 822.266 µg EAA/mL was recorded for the V4 variety. Therefore, the findings from this study elucidate that varietal profile and production methods influence polyphenol content and antioxidant activity of AV.
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